Teen student kicking

The ATA Martial Arts curriculum is customized for teenagers, as well as adult men and women. Unlike the children’s programs, teen and adult programs focus on high-intensity fitness and self-defense that applies in today’s world.

Most adults can only do so many aerobic classes or run so many solo miles before they start dreaming of something more enjoyable and exciting to do to stay in shape. The ATA Adult martial arts curriculum is a great way to stay in shape that doesn’t become dull or routine. There are always more challenges ahead to keep you inspired and coming back for more.

Our martial arts classes will help you reach your fitness goals. Running and mountain biking are still great activities, but may end up limiting your flexibility. Because these activities are ‘linear’ in nature, they don’t challenge you to develop in all the areas of fitness. That is why most professional athletes cross train outside of their sport. There is nothing like martial arts training to help you develop towards your maximum potential, both physically and mentally.

Men and women, both teens and adults, often join our program to gain the confidence and ability to take care of themselves in any potentially dangerous, or uncomfortable situation. We focus on ensuring our students are able to defend themselves should the need arise, but also understand how to properly identify and react to less dangerous situations.